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My mission as a freelance graphic designer is to provide brand and marketing design solutions for small, local businesses. However, most of these kinds of businesses don't always have an active social media presence (where my work "lives") or don't know who/what to look for when searching for graphic design services, so it can be quite difficult for them to find me and vice versa. MySuperSkills provides me with a platform that makes me much easier to find. Creating my profile was super easy and so straightforward, and went much quicker than I thought it would!
Recently uploaded my profile on and I love how simple and quick the experience was. Great to know that I have a digital CV and QR code to impress my potential clients and employers. Thank you MySuperSkills for the platform.
I was very excited to learn about the possibilities within reach when one creates a profile on MySuperSkills. Creating my profile was an easy and quick process. What I love about the MySuperSkills platform, is that it gives me the opportunity to not just list all my professional skills, but also any skills I use for side hustles and hobbies. It enables one to really market and monetise the “holistic you”. I recommend MSS to everyone looking for extra income. You even get your own QR code which you can add to your CV, linking back to your profile on MySuperSkills.
As a part time Tutor for Grades 1-7 MySuperskills is a great place for me to advertise my available skills and connect with Parents who see the need to give their little one's extra support to cope with the demands of school. I love the ease to advertise!

News & blog posts

There is an interesting dichotomy in the job market in South Africa.  On the one hand, unemployment sits at around 34.5 percent, and youth unemployment at a staggering 63.9% for those aged 15-24.   …
The South African Home Affairs Minister, Aaron Motsoaledi, gazetted a new list of Critical Skills for South Africa on 2nd February 2022. This critical skills list aims to address skilled labour…

South Africa’s Employment and Labour Minister TW Nxesi recently announced that the National Minimum Wage (NMW) for each ordinary hour worked has been increased f

Helping you find additional work in these crazy times is now literally a web-portal away – Local South African business man, Peter Eloff has founded and launched MySuperSkills and UjuziWa